Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The New-American Dream, one of bailouts and handouts


I believe that we as a society and a once-great nation wherein people worked hard and with honor and integrity reached out to capture the American-Dream crossed an extremely dangerous line that should have never been crossed when as a nation sent out so-called “stimulus payments” directly to most Americans during the incredibly early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic (a huge swath of Americans that were not even negatively impacted).  I have been a staunch democrat all my life but even I could not even come close to rationalizing such a development as what was happening was pure “unneeded” socialism, but the politicians defended the “unneeded” inflated payments by insisting that we were in the middle of a major national emergency (then why did so many folks who did not need assistance get a windfall?).  I warned then that once the government started issuing ass-kissing checks, the American people would always keep demanding more and more hand-outs especially from the new generations that are allergic to hard work!  When it was announced that the latest round of “stimulus payments” would only be $600 per person, some Americans seems angry it was not $2,000 or even $3,000 angry...I on the other hand was astonished at how many Americans would be receiving said handouts who did not in my opinion need or deserve one (I am not usually a tight-fisted scrooge when it comes to the working class. In just days Democrats will shortly have control of the White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives, and one of the first things they plan to do is to deliver more ass-kissing bailout money (another $1,400) on top of the already approved $600.00) to the American people (again to many who have jobs, never lost any income etc. and to many folks who are gaming the system “not even looking for work”). Unfortunately, Americans have tasted free ad easy taxpayer money and they want more and more!

Ø  Remember the chief ass-kissers one being the incoming Vice-President, Harris, previously proposed giving out monthly $2,000 checks for the duration of this pandemic; astounding stupidity nevertheless it was close to passage and it would be a recurring monthly $2,000 check mirroring the payments proposed in the “Monthly Economic Crisis Support Act” that she introduced in the Senate in May 2020. So, if you are married with two kids, you would have gotten $8,000 every month under the plan. Most Americans would have been very eager to sign up for would they not! Sure, beats working right. Where would the money come to pay for the approximately $600 billion every month, hell no one would care as it would mean that it would add more than $7 trillion dollars to our national debt over the course of an entire year...very doable right .

The great thinker (and a fellow Brother Mason) Benjamin Franklin once made the following statement. “When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.” Sadly, I believe we have now reached such a massive life altering republic altering tipping point. And this comes at a time when millions of Americans are in desperate need because the real economy continues to implode all around us due to failed economic policies. As the U.S. economy continues to come apart at the seams, finding sources of tax revenue will become almost impossible. Perhaps corporations who have not paid any taxes in many years will step up and offer to pay their fair share, and maybe the elite and most wealthy will follow suit.

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