Friday, January 29, 2021

Looks about time the GOP gets a taste of their own obstructionist behavior

Senate Democrats are preparing to move stimulus items that qualify through budget reconciliation process in hopes of law getting passed by mid-March. There are still disagreements among Democrats regarding the details of the bill as Republicans warn use of budget reconciliation will hurt mush more can they be damaged I ask? (link).

The republicans are once again crying foul, like the little girls they are after blocking Obama’s every-move and not considering any of the 690 house bills that passed the house for a vote in the senate under King-Trump, using every trick they could muster to force votes on Supreme court and lower court justices, what hypocrisy!  We learned that the Democrats taking a page from Mitch McConnell play book of exploiting the rules of the Senate are willing to “go it alone” on the new Biden Covid-19 relief package if Republicans refuse to move quickly on a strong relief package (the majority want to hold it up). This past Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer threatened to circumvent the 60-votes required to pass most major legislation by invoking a budget process known as reconciliation which allows some bills to bypass the legislative “BS” filibuster rule, the GOP used this to enact the KING-Trump tax giveaways if you remember! He stated that “We have a responsibility to help the American people fast, particularly given these new economic numbers. The Senate will begin that work next week”. Most of the senate older than dirt member (many in their 70’s) will likely not be alive when the massive negative consequences of this reckless spending fall on the shoulders of the next several generations. 

In order to proceed with reconciliation, Democrats will need to pave the way by passing a budget resolution which instructs committees to draft legislation. On a Tuesday conference call, Schumer told his fellow Democrats to be prepared to vote on that resolution as soon as next week.

Democrats want to pass more coronavirus relief before unemployment benefits expire in March. The Senate will also need to juggle passing legislation with former King Trump's 2nd impeachment trial that will start the week of 02/08/2021. Democrats appear poised after getting repeatedly “bitched slapped by the GOP for years” to pass the Biden $1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief package with a simple majority!


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