Monday, February 22, 2021

Be ware of the TINA trade (interest rate) trade deterioration (there could be an alternative)


The stock market move higher on Friday only to finished mixed after Grandma Treasury Secretary Yellen said a large Covid-19 relief package is needed for a full recovery Yellen told CNBC Thursday after the closing bell that more *bailout* stimulus is necessary even as some economic data suggested a rebound is already underway. She added a $1.9 trillion stimulus deal could help the U.S. get back to full employment within a year [what types on medication was she popping]. She stated that “We think it’s especially important to have a big package [that] addresses the pain this pandemic has caused as 15 million Americans behind on their rent {in my opinion this should not have happened as many are willfully behind as they used bailout monies for other purposes}. “I think the price of doing too little is much higher than the price of doing something big. We think that the benefits will far outweigh the costs in the longer run,” she stated.

This week could be all about interest rates (several of my primary indicator “2 out of 13” that I use to facilitated my trading signals) as if we continue to see interest rate rise there is a quickly forming negative risk-contagion of a serious stock market correction if rates continue to sharply rise resulting in a dramatic and quick fundamental valuation reset and many portfolios would be prime candidates for a negative valuation reset... for the first time since June we are seeing that the 10-year yields are suddenly moving higher. One of my other primary indicators that I have used over the last 30 years is that when the SPX-500's P/E ratio tends to peak out in the 22 to 25 times range of forward earnings. Far too many knuckleheaded analheads and portfolio managers and quantitative researchers are looking at normalized nominal GDP growth in the 4.0% to 5.0% range (a massively inflated number), which is where longer-term interest rates should be normalized. However, I believe that normalized GDP growth is probably closer to 2.0%.

You should all contemplate what will happen to your holding if the looming fundamental and valuation reset; I see coming appears, I am guessing that there will be massive FEAR in the near-term. As we have already started to see that real interest rates have stated to move higher on the spike in commodity prices, and we could see some massive concerns about multiple resets for those TFAANG+M type of high-flying growth stocks that seem to be one directional due to short squeezes and being hard-to-borrow the problem many funds face in my opinion is that they have way too much concentration risk in rate-sensitive technology stocks. 

I previously stated in last week’s weekend-market-report that with the indexes/market already trading over 2-standard deviations above their 50dma’s I believed then that further upside was likely to be muted and extremely limited. Such was the case as this past week as the indexes/markets struggled all week during a normal bullish option-X week to hold gains as they traded in a very narrow range in a light volume environment volume environment. Given the extreme overbought and bullish conditions, there is a risk of an incredibly significant correction over the next few days/weeks. My proprietary indicators “that I have been honing for over 25-years” unfortunately do not yet distinguish between a 5.0% to 8.0% correction and or a more nasty 15.0% to a 20.0% sell-off; and history has shown us for the past decade that it doesn’t take long for robotic Pavlov’s trading dogs... so called “trading-bots” to buy the proverbial dips in anticipation of another wave of massive FED manipulation and intervention or soothing words about the Covid-19 vaccines...or another massive new stimulus bailout...this has been the conventional trend play since 03/2019; the bots buying all dips, as the FED throws in massive liquidity to support the markets and enrich their masters!   Remember my friends that these corrections in this one directional manipulated 12+ year bullish cycle often occur so quickly you do not have much time to decide how you want to respond!  I believe that the market has been struggling as of late due to the rise in interest rates.


As we touched on last week, investors may be starting to factor in the massive threats of significant real-life higher inflation and a rise in interest rates. With an economy pushing $84 trillion in debt [$157 trillion in underfunded liabilities and debt] the entire premise of “the consumer consumption function” as well as loony “valuation matrix justifications” for the equity markets, is based almost solely on historically low-interest rates and massive free flowing “bailout” stimulus (also massive FED Q/E). However, that is rapidly ending as the rise in rates is now approaching the proverbial “danger-danger Wil Robinson zone” for the markets interest rates are rapidly approaching the 1.5% to 2.0% over-head max barrier, where higher payments will collide with disposable income. Historically, such has not ended well for markets. 

 As I have previously written about extensively the rise in interest rates this year is much more problematic than most suspect. Higher interest payments on massive corporate loans taken out to exploit earnings as they were used to buy-back stock reduces real capital expenditures threatens needed refinancing and spreads through the economy like a nasty cancer; with focus on inflation fears and the likely subsequent FED tightening rising real yields that might prove to be the ultimate “noose” tightening around the neck for this risk rally. Higher real interest rates also quickly undermines one of the critical “bullish support legs” of this crazy rally these past 12-years in a massively over-indebted economy, as increases in interest rates are extremely challenging for these bullishly giddy markets whose valuation premise(s) rely on these historically low manipulated interest rates. 

We have seen in the past that each time interest rates have spiked; it has generally preceded a moderate to a significant market correction. When combined with higher inflationary pressures due to stimulus injections, such a situation becomes quite problematic. Higher borrowing costs and inflation compresses corporate profit margins and reduces real consumption as wages have for over 40+ years fail to increase commensurately. While the various Fed-heads and their fearless leader “Superman-Powell” continues to suggest through their reiterations that they will let “inflation run hot” for a while, the problem is that the real economy will not allow them such a privilege in my opinion. As the negative impacts of higher payments and costs (due to higher rates) will likely derail overspending very quickly, given the real economy is still massively and I mean massively overly dependent on FED and fiscal “life support.”

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

The FED believes that they are all knowing and that they can never be held accountable!

There is a growing consensus in Congress that the only way to fix the worst economic downturn in more than 75 years is by giving out more “bailout” free money to many who do not even need it.  From Placating Biden to Grandma “financial-elite-kiss-ass” Yellen, to most elitist members of Congress, there is a demand for more and more reckless and ill throughout “stimulus.”  They have failed repeatedly to understand the primary reason the previous bailout programs failed is that the stimulus does not lead to real sustained organic growth (just thoughtless consumption).

Let us assume that Congress capitulates and passes something close to Biden’s massive deficit/debt stimulus proposal of $1.9 trillion, that will boost the cumulative amount of fiscal stimulus in the past 12 months to ~$5.0 trillion, (in basically three tranches $2.2 trillion, $900 billion, and $1.9 trillion; hardly chump change as this will be NEW-Debt). As I have previously mentioned in the past year, nominal GDP totaled ~$21 trillion, so the cumulative injection of fiscal stimulus amounts to almost 25% of GDP [this does not even account for the FED’s massive Q/E etc.]. This is historic deficit/debt spending as nothing in modern times even comes close, especially during peace time.

This past March, as the economy was shut down “nasty knee jerk reaction” due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Demigods / Financial-Supermen at the FED leaped into action and flooded the system with liquidity. At the same time, Congress passed a massive ad hoc ill-thought-through $2.2 trillion fiscal stimulus bill that significantly expanded unemployment benefits and sent massive “free” [never free as taxpayers are on the hook for the debt] checks directly to households. Then in December, the King Trump administration hit the economy with another $900 billion in easy money bailouts. Now, the Placating Biden administration is looking to enhance those massive “bailouts” with another $1.9 trillion. It does not take a formal degree in financial physics to understand that with such massive free-flowing money pouring into household’s (many freeloading young adults) it is not surprising the pro forma economy rebounded via GDP calculations etc. the surge in the 3rd quarter, and surging stock market basically responded directly responded to both the fiscal and monetary stimulus supplied. The chart below adds the percentage change in yo massive historic Federal deficit/debt expenditures.

The massive spike in 2020/Q2 in Federal Expenditure was from the initial CARES Act massive expenditures. In 2020/Q1, the US Government spent about $4.9 trillion which was up ~$86 billion from 2019/Q4. Then bang in 2020/Q2, it increased significantly due to the passage of the CARES Act. As massive government spending for 2020/Q2 jumped to $9.1 trillion, which is a staggering ~$4.2 trillion increase over 2020/Q1. Now in 2020/Q3 and 2020/Q4, spending was still substantially well above normal levels running at $7.2 trillion and $6.0 trillion respectively...this is a massive increase in debt that taxpayers are on the hook for. 

The rate of change in deficit/debt spending is declining along with economic growth rates. That is the “nasty-derivative” effect of manipulative growth which is already undermining both fiscal and monetary stimulus. This is ultimately the problem with all debt-supported fiscal and monetary programs. The problem with monetary interventions, like direct checks to households, is that while it may provide a short-term romp-up in spending, it does not promote real economic confidence. The reason that stimulus payments do not improve real consumer confidence is due to the fact that such payments were a one-time bailout benefit. What increases economic prosperity and confidence is real decent “benefited” employment and real wage growth greater than real inflation. Such is the problem with this artificial band aid stimulus.

In a real expanding economic cycle individual must produce first before they can consume. While stimulus bypasses the “production” part of the equation creating short-term demand for consumption, such does not create the repeatable demand process necessary for businesses to increase employment.  If businesses especially small businesses were expecting a massive surge in “pent up” demand, they would be doing several things to prepare for it including planning to increase capital expenditures to meet the expected new demand. Unfortunately, these expectations had peaked in 2018 and are dropping again. The massive negative contagion as I see it with reckless stimulus is that it is based on increasing deficit/debt levels to provide the short-term “happy” feeling associated with it.  It is not economically feasible to use more and more deficit/debt spending to create so-called growth as the increase in debt required to fund and refund said pro forma growth also needs to increase and there is no historical precedent, that shows increased deficit/debt levels lead to more robust rates of economic growth or prosperity “just the opposite is true”. With economic growth rates now at the lowest levels on record, the massive surge and change in debt continues to divert more tax dollars away from real productive investments into the service of said massive debt and social welfare “bailout” programs...over the past several decades it has taken an increasing amount of new debt to generate each dollar of economic growth, and now for each $1.00 of debt we get about $0.60 of growth.  Such is why the idiots at the FED have found themselves in a massive “liquidity trap” as interest rates MUST remain at/near historic lows, and debt MUST grow faster than the real economy, just to keep the economy from stalling out. The Keynesian “BS” premise that “more money in people’s pockets” will drive up consumer spending (is only temporally a truth), with a short-term boost to GDP never a sustained one as that result, has never materialized and they have been consistently wrong in the longer-view! Given the massive scale of fiscal stimulus, we should normally expect the FED to be thinking of raising rates but not this FED who serves to brazenly enrich the elite/most-wealthy as the Powell Fed is using the same stupid playbook from the TBTF Banker led Great Financial Recession, providing unneeded stimulus to the red-hot housing market their economic and financial endgame is interesting as it is hard to see anything but another massive housing “boom-bust” scenario playing out and rising market interest rates in 2021 and early 2022, followed by an likely serious bust in late 2022 into 2023 when the massive fiscal stimulus/support dries up.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Several new Wise Owl ideas for the week of 02-15-2021

 Several new ideas for the week of 02-15-2021 

DEVELOPED      02-16-2021    ranks an “B” trade    Next earnings release: 02/22 aftermarket, S&P Capital IQ EPS consensus: $0.11  S&P Capital IQ Rev consensus: 84.59 million      Thin volume though ~275,000  I will be   SHORT   (200) of  “PYPL”  at  $199.75 or > than < $190.75  or a failure to hold above $175.00    I like using PUTS (10 to 20) out 4-6 weeks and or an vertical PUT spread target $130.00 then $110.25    The trailing P/E =  1300       Forward P/E = 360,  P/S = 22.65     Short interest = 2.75% of a very small float = 39 Million    Book value $9.70     Cash = 2.31

DEVELOPED      02-16-2021    ranks an “B” trade    Next earnings release: 02/22 after market, S&P Capital IQ EPS consensus: $0.11  S&P Capital IQ Rev consensus: 84.59 million      Thin volume though ~275,000  I will be   SHORT   (200) of  “FRPT”  at  $199.75 or > than < $190.75  or a failure to hold above $175.00    I like using PUTS (10 to 20) out 4-6 weeks and or an vertical PUT spread target $130.00 then $110.25    The trailing P/E =  1300       Forward P/E = 360,  P/S = 22.65     Short interest = 2.75% of a very small float = 39 Million    Book value $9.70     Cash = 2.31

DEVELOPED      02-16-2021    ranks an “B” trade       I will be SHORT (600) of  “MGNI”  at  $73.75 or > than < $67.95  or a failure to hold above $63.00   target $48.00 then $40.25    The trailing P/E =  n/a   Forward P/E = n/a,  P/S = 26.90     Short interest = 11.49% of a very small float = 107.5 Million    Cash = $0.93   Book value n/a      2/5/2021: MGNI Announced an agreement to acquire SpotX from RTL Group for $1.17 bln in cash and stock; the combination is expected to create "the largest independent CTV and video advertising platform in the programmatic marketplace." Co targets more than $35 mln in run-rate operating cost synergies. Also guided Q4 revs above consensus; co sees Q4 CTV revs up +53% on a pro forma basis. Gains to new all-time highs.

DEVELOPED      02-16-2021    ranks an “B” trade I believe this firm is extremely over-valued for an internet content play  Should sell-off into earnings and after JMHO as their next earnings release: 02/18/2021 before market. S&P Capital IQ EPS consensus: $0.10   S&P Capital IQ Rev consensus: $54.10 million 

I will be SHORT (200) of  “FVRR”  at  $349.75 or > than < $339.75  or a failure to hold above $322.00    I like using PUTS (10 to 20) out 4-6 weeks and or an vertical PUT spread target $235.00 then $179.25    The trailing P/E =  795.00       Forward P/E = 1,000,  P/S = 63.90     Short interest = 6.4% of a very small float = 20.5 Million    Book value $4.83

Last earnings: Fiverr beats by $0.06, beats on revs; guides 2020Q4 revs above consensus (when announced it was trading at $146.00) they Reported 2020/Q3 (Sept) earnings of $0.12 per share, $0.06 better than the S&P Consensus of $0.06; revenues rose 87.5% year/year to $52.3 mln vs the $48.86 mln S&P Consensus. The firm issues upside guidance for 2020/Q4, sees 2020/Q4 revs of $52.4-53.4 mln vs. $49.67 mln S&P Consensus.

Fiverr International Ltd. operates an online marketplace worldwide. Its platform enables sellers to sell their services and buyers to buy them. The company's platform includes approximately 300 categories in eight verticals, including graphic and design, digital marketing, writing and translation, video and animation, music and audio, programming and technology, business, and lifestyle. The company was founded in 2010 and is headquartered in Tel Aviv, Israel.






Monday, February 15, 2021

DEBT the enslavement and screwing the working class, and future tax-payers!


This market is running on the back of massive and I mean massive deficit/debt spending once consumed then what manipulative game will the FED introduce, as the appetite for fiscal giveaways is weakening!

Master Asset inflator Powell (who kisses the asses of the elite and most wealthy): dares to warn about DEBT, so then he stealthy (through many back-doors and “BS” lending programs of the day” decides to give more crack cocaine DEBT to enslave the crack-cocaine “DEBT junkies” many are zombie firms that are massively over-indebted and fiscally irresponsible run by braindead corporate idiots whose only goal is self-enrichment via cheaper free flowing monies...they are still taking on debt wherein they will run up even larger debt (to buy-back-stock, as the FED has reduced borrowing to ~1.0%....not to grow their business, as many of these firms are also laying off hundreds and thousands of employees) where is the logic in that...then again its perfect logic if your primary goal is to enslave the masses & working class, as the “taxpayers” become the back-stop for this reckless endeavor, basically the rich get richer the poor get poorer!  Government DEBT is almost at the unserviceable level right now!

The FED has been the willing slave like (pawn) of the elite/wealthy as they purposely in the endeavor to transfer massive wealth into their vaults blew up asset classes to Hindenburg like proportions (especially the equity markets) creating many new bubbles at the expense of the working class / poor! The new-asset inflator master Powell: warns about DEBT, but in his next breath/statement he wants to give more crack-cocaine (free-flowing extremely cheap “near 0%” money) to the crack “junkies” many of which are zombie firms that are overly-indebted and fiscal irresponsible corporate idiots; via cheaper free-flowing money wherein they will run up even larger debts & deficits (many will use the money to buy-back stock) where is the logic...then again its perfect logic if your primary goal is to enslave the masses/working class in debt as far as the eye can see as they are the real back-stop for this endeavor, the rich get richer the poor get poorer! 

Stocks remain at/near their all-time highs despite the mega-warning signals that these levels of sheer euphoria suggest a counter-trend correction is imminent. I have been suggesting that markets are in or may be headed for a mega bubble all of the preconditions for a mega bubble are in place. Financing costs of new-debt to subsequently use it to buy-back-stock are at record historic lows, new participants are being drawn like moths to a flame into markets, and the combination of significant accumulated savings and low prospective returns on traditional assets have created both the means and the desire to engage in massive speculative activity! In the months ahead, investors will need to pay close attention to risks of a monetary policy reversal, massively raising equity valuations, and the rate of the real post-pandemic recovery.

The past 5-7 months can best be characterized as a period of unprecedented market extreme optimism and pure euphoria... As I pointed out previously in my weekend write ups there was a wave of bullishness due to recent news, with (3) Covid-19 vaccines showing promise against a backdrop of FED manipulated zero interest rates, a record fiscal deficit and an ultra-dovish Janet Yellen soon to be in charge of it all.  Another way of describing it is extreme euphoria, the likes of which surpass even the bubble. Naturally, stocks have taken the recent news flow very well, with prices hitting record highs despite traveling at significantly elevated nosebleed valuations. As I have discussed before, the November-December rally has been driven by the most shorted hard-to-borrow equities, taking the SPX-500 to technical levels not seen in many-many years, like we saw back to 2000. The November-December rally was clearly a short covering rally. As the most shorted stocks were up 28.48% in November alone since, while the SPX-5000 was up about 11.1%.   

 Fed-head Powell seems to be raising the bar for what constitutes “troubling inflation”, and this FED is crazy as they come as almost every sign of inflation they tag and characterize inflation as “transient”, despite what the data depicts. The FED is in a perpetual state of denial as their biggest fears should be that real inflation accelerates sharply over 4% or even 6% [as I suspect will easily happen in this cycle] forcing a rapid move to neutral or worse and that markets see through the smokescreen of excuses like we saw in the 1970s as an unabated willingness to explain away all real-life inflation surges. The FED’s reaction to inflation developments under their new framework does not have an approximative formula such as the Taylor rule does so it is useful to look at recent FED-head comments to tease out how quick off the mark the FED may be in the case of taking off their rose-colored glasses and see inflation for what it is “real higher inflation”. We have heard recent comments from FED-heads as having raised the bar significantly in their ability to react to higher inflation. At the press conference following the January FOMC meeting, Powell said: “we think it’s very unlikely that anything we see now would result in troubling inflation” this statement made me laugh as real inflation abounds all around us you just have to open your eyes! Powell then went on to categorized inflation resulting from likely massive effects from a spending boom after reopening the economy as mere “transient” rather than disconcerting. Inflation resulting from higher food, higher energy prices or from a weaker dollar is already excluded from the FED’s “BS” inflationary fuzzy-math calculations. The FED’s stupid “show me and then again show me” view on inflation means the reaction to the current Tsunami wave of fiscal the stimulus will likely be subdued and masked-over as they try their best to cover up the real inflation facts! Accordingly, if we read the “between the lines” the FED believes that their historically low manipulative inflation history of the past few decades allows them to be more willing to risk higher inflation [what a farce] they believe that if their so-called “BS” inflation does hit 2%, their so-called  policy response will largely depend on how fast inflation is supposedly accelerating; as a slow-moving unit labor cost (ULC) trends that are highly manipulative will likely be one of the “BS” indicators that the Powell FED uses to determine how troublesome unit labor costs are.

So, the $64,000 question to be answered is what kind of inflationary pressures concern this manipulative FED? This FED has set an extremely high bar for removing their lame historic low policy rates off the zero mark [ I wonder why?] Some FED-heads have suggested that the FOMC would initially treat almost all inflation as transient.

The tolerance in this new age of “bailouts” called fiscal stimulus is striking. Powell was invited several times during the post FOMC statement to express concern on overdoing fiscal stimulus and each time he refused the invitation: “the judgment on how much to spend, and in what way is really one for Congress and the administration and not for the FED” he stated! By contrast, in his June 2018 press conference he said in response to a question on the King-Trump tax cut (giveaways to the elite and most wealthy): “You asked, is the … neutral rate moving up because of fiscal policy? Yes.… there should be an effect if you have increased deficits that should put upward pressure.” Seems he speaks with fork tongue!  Of course, underlying economic conditions are quite different now but his comments at the January 2021 press conference avoided any and all implications that this massive wave of fiscal stimulus would put upward pressure on yields [I wonder why?].

This is important because the sustainability of the massive onslaught of the government’s fiscal plans advocated by Placating Biden and Grandma Treasury Secretary Yellen depend on historic low-interest rates to enable debt servicing. His agnosticism on the appropriate level of fiscal stimulus can be seen as the FED now abandoning a forward-looking approach to their “BS” cover-up inflation policies. Their new monetary policy framework enables the FED largely to make policy based on their manipulated realized inflation rather than expected inflation.

It is economic 101 low yields and low debt servicing costs allow deficit/debt spending to be used significantly to achieve “believed” economic and social goals, without significant redistribution through needed taxation; at least for the time being. Under this guise, the Fed need not act in anticipation of hitting maximum employment or of hitting troubling inflation, because it will likely have ample time to manipulate the calculation of both from incoming inflation data.

Reality is that after hunkering down for much of this past year and into this new one, folks are quite eager to get out and party, and enjoy life again sort of making up for lost time. So called policymakers, who are taking ad hoc reckless massive actions in order to recoup significant lost economic output and return to their bogus level of maximum employment as quickly as possible.

This lecherous FED has moved to a lame self-serving flexible average inflation targeting framework, making a overshoot of the 2.0% inflation target an likely explicit policy goal. The FED has also redefined their so-called employment mandate from full to maximum employment, which Powell called a more “broad-based and inclusive goal.” We have also been seeing massive fiscal policy being deployed to supposedly address the pre-existing issue of wealth inequality [like the large-scale government transfers to working-class income households]. According to government data cumulatively, the Covid-19 recession has cost US households $425 billion in income, but they have already received more than $1 trillion in transfers bailouts payments and this was before the last “late December” King-Trump stimulus [it does not even account for the Biden massive give-away proposal]. According to data households have already accumulated close to $1.5 trillion in excess saving, which is set to rise to over $2 trillion (9.5% of GDP) by early March 2021 once the additional “bailout” fiscal package is enacted. These policy shifts also mean that central bankers will likely tighten much later in the recovery cycle than in the previous cycles (they are committed to enriching the elite, most wealthy and keeping zombie firms alive).

I have repeatedly argued that this massive deficit/debt spending policy response has for the time being averted significant economic scarring effects. Furthermore, the massive negative impact of the exogenous Covid-19 shock is likely to fade (hell with after close to $5 trillion in stimulus can go a long-way to cure economic contagions), and I foresee a likely surge in demand as the economy reopens more and more as spring in looming. Spending patterns have indicated that households have been forced to accumulate excess saving as restrictions on their mobility have limited their opportunities to go out and spend-spend-spend. Now with warmer temperatures coming and vaccinations set to cover a larger part of the vulnerable population, I am convinced that the coming relaxation of restrictions, which has begun in many states with the tightest controls, will pick up momentum as spring approaches.

The speed and strength of this pent-up demand pressure will likely put a strain on the supply side, which has limited time to respond. Against this backdrop, inflationary pressures will build up very quickly (and despite the FED hype they will not be transitory). But the nature of the recovery (what I call a new-age massive transfer-driven consumption cycle which implies that inflation risks are to the upside). If I am correct and underlying inflation momentum accelerates it could precipitate a significant disruptive shift in FED tightening expectations, raising the probability of a FED induced recession. 



Another sign of a market that is very frothy and bubblicious is that the average yield on U.S. junk bonds dropped below 4% for the first time ever as investors seeking a haven from the FED’s manipulative ultra-low interest rates, as folks are forced to chase and pile into an asset class historically known for its higher yields (not so much anymore now.  We saw that this past week the measure for the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Corporate High-Yield index dipped to 3.96% on Monday, as yield-hungry investors have been gobbling up junk bonds as an alternative to the meager income offered in the less-risky highly manipulated bond markets. Demand for this type of debt has outweighed supply by so much that some money managers are even calling up various firms to pressure them to come to the market and borrow instead of waiting for deals to come their way even those rated in the riskiest of levels “CCC” tier of junk the worse of the worse “risky” debt issuers have been more than significantly oversubscribed (this is thanks to the FED and their lame interest rate policies). The lower yields could encourage more speculative-grade firms (zombies” and those with very-very risky business models and mountains of existing debt to tap the market after raising more than $7.2 billion last week. January was a record month for sales Junk-bond sales with a tad over $52 billion placed.  


Buyers that have been starving for yield (as a result of the FED manipulating rates to near 0%) have been snapping up CCC graded issues as yields for that portion of high yield portfolio need. They CCC rated “Crap paper” dropped to 6.21% on Monday, also a record low. I find it absurd that issuance conditions have been so conducive that some of the riskiest types of transactions that have been coming to market, such as bonds that are used to fund dividends to a company’s owners and so-called pay-in-kind bonds that allow a borrower to pay interest with more debt. I, unfortunately, see continued outperformance from the junkiest part of the market. CCCs, is insanity! 


Monday, February 8, 2021

Is this a sign of market distribution ?

 Distribution?  Gapped up on anemic volume

Massive round trip    DOWN THEN BACK TO NEW HIGHS?    In a mere few days the “SPY” dropped from the highs of  381.90 (on 1/28/2021)  we dropped to 368.30 (01-29-2021) a drop of approximately 13.60-points now today we sit at 387.71 up 19.41  higher just a few days later a WILD rollercoaster ride of over 33.01  SPY  points in a mere 7-days    (Average 60-day volume = 70,25-million)

Volume on  down day,           01-27-2021      123.35 million shares

Volume on  down day,           01-29-2021      126.65 million shares

Volume on  up day,                02-01-2021      75.81 million shares

Volume on  up day,                02-02-2021      63.86 million shares

Volume on  up day,                02-03-2021      45.26 million shares

Volume on  up day,                02-04-2021      42.51 million shares

Volume on  up day,                02-05-2021      48.60 million shares


Massive round trip    DOWN THEN BACK TO NEW HIGHS?  In a mere few days the “QQQ” dropped from the highs of  326.40 (on 1/27/2021)  we dropped to 312.75  (01-29-2021) a drop of approximately 13.65-points now today we sit at 330.24 up 18.61 higher just a few days later  a wild rollercoaster ride of over 32.26  QQQ  points in a mere 7-days      (Average 60-day volume = 32,25-million)

Volume on  down day,           01-27-2021      55.26 million shares

Volume on  down day,           01-29-2021      55.16 million shares

Volume on  up day,                02-01-2021      35.60 million shares

Volume on  up day,                02-02-2021      33.75 million shares

Volume on  FLAT-DAY         02-03-2021      23.19 million shares

Volume on  up day,                02-04-2021      20.67 million shares

Volume on  up day,                02-05-2021      22.70 million shares


Massive round trip    DOWN THEN BACK TO NEW HIGHS?    In a mere few days the “IWM” dropped from the highs of  213.00 (on 1/27/2021)  we dropped to 204.84  (01-29-2021) a drop of approximately 8.16-points now today we sit at 221.65 up 16.81 points or 2x-higher just a few days later  a wild rollercoaster ride of over 24.97  IWM  points in a mere 7-days     (Average 60-day volume = 27.30-million)

Volume on  down day,           01-27-2021      45.83 million shares

Volume on  down day,           01-29-2021      40.54 million shares

Volume on  up day,                02-01-2021      26.37 million shares

Volume on  up day,                02-02-2021      22.77 million shares

Volume on  up day,                02-03-2021      23.93 million shares

Volume on  up day,                02-04-2021      23.28 million shares

Volume on  up day,                02-05-2021      23.30 million shares

In a mere few days the “VIX” popped up to the highs of  37.50 (on 1/29/2021)  we dropped to 21.00 (02-05-2021) today a massive drop in liquidity screwing sellers of options (a drop of 16.50 points in 6-days) 

In a mere few days the “VXN” popped up to the highs of  40.50 (on 1/29/2021)  we dropped to 25.40 (02-02-2021) today a massive drop in liquidity screwing sellers of options (a drop of 15.10 points in 6-days)  

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Will massive deficit / debt spending lead to inflation?



Let us assume (I hate that word) that the democratic Congress passes something close to Biden's Administration stimulus proposal of staggering $1.9 trillion. If that happens it will boost the so-called cumulative amount of US fiscal stimulus in the past 12 months to ~$5 trillion in deficit/debt spending [three massive tranches $2.2 trillion, $900 billion, and $1.9 trillion]; in the past year, nominal GDP totaled ~$21 trillion, so the cumulative injection of fiscal stimulus amounts to almost a whopping 25% (one reason why GDP numbers have soared as the GDP equation used GDP = C + I + G + (X – M)  equals private consumption + gross investment + government investment + government spending + (exports – imports).  No other such massive deficit spending in modern times comes close to what we are seeing (and to top it off there is another $2.0 - $2.2 trillion in infrastructure spending expected as well,) especially during peace times.

The CBO published a report back in 2010 on the military costs of significant wars.

  • The military war costs of World War amounted to 13.6% of GDP.

  • World War II amounted to 35.8% of GDP.

So, the current massive deficit/debt spending/stimulus falls somewhere in the middle of the two World Wars.

During the previous World Wars, activity in the private sector was significantly depressed. That is not the case today. The housing sector thanks to the FED’s massive rate drop is booming, with housing starts at the highest levels in over 15 years (since the last housing bubble became inflated), and prices are rising double-digit to new record levels. At the same time, the manufacturing sector is experiencing a proverbial mini-boom in orders and production. Given the massive scale of fiscal stimulus deficit/debt spending, one would expect the FED to be contemplating raising interest rates. But not this manipulative interventionist FED, this FED is using the same playbook from the TBTF-banker led Great Financial Recession, providing unneeded stimulus to the red-hot housing market, and inflating other assets to Hindenburg proportions! So, what is their economic and financial endgame? It is hard to see anything but another contrived mega “boom-bust” situation playing out with fast manipulative (deficit/debt) spending growth and rising market interest rates this year and into early 2022, followed by a mega bubble bursting (like the dot-com bubble) in late 2022 into 2023 when the fiscal shit storms hits, and the free-flowing stimulus/support dries up. The proverbial FED and government sugar-high today is unprecedented, raising the odds of a very-nasty hard landing.


Thursday, February 4, 2021

The war against the WORKING CLASS, and vanishing Middle-Class


The FED in reality, is a non-independent governmental agency, that does the bidding of the powerful politicians, the TBTF-bankers, the elite/most wealthy “Top 5%” and influential corporations have been waging WAR on the American middle class and working-class for decades and both groups are getting poorer (and they have almost wiped out the middle-class). Real wages of the working-class have been at best stagnant for decades (many Americans have seen a massive deterioration in their real-wages when adjusted for real-inflation) decent-paying jobs are extremely scared if they can be found at all...for Americans to seek a decent single wage-job to sustain the pursuit of the elusive American Dream...[ The American Dream used to be the belief that anyone, regardless of where they were born or what class they were born into, can attain their own version of success in a society where upward mobility is possible for everyone. The American Dream in the past was achieved through sacrifice, risk-taking, and hard work, rather than by chance] Now it is commonplace for a corporation in the greedy pursuit of profits to export once decent American jobs overseas (they even get perks from out politicians to do so). While domestic small and medium businesses get burdened with taxes and government red tape. There are bailouts provided to corporations, other TBTF-bankers, and politically connected business and let us not forget to other central bankers to the tune of trillions while small-business owners of main street businesses go bankrupt. The massive almost endless flow of Q/Es have propped up the stock market, largely owned by the top 1% to 3% of the elite. So in reality the rich are getting significantly richer while a the so-called the greatest nation on earth has a record number of its people on food stamps; growing food insecurity has exploded, a record number of Americans have no health insurance, homelessness is on the rise (near-record levels)

A massive amount of the blame 85% or better rests with the lecherous Federal Reserve controlled by the TBTF-bankers etc. as they “a private group of elites” who at will get to print money out of thin air for themselves and their cronies while their mainstream media tells everyone the FED has their backs and is a financial demigod and should never be questioned. They get richer and more powerful while the vanishing-middle-class and the working class inherits massive debt loads (economic enslavement) currently the middle class has one foot in the grave and the other foot on the proverbial banana peel, thanks to our corrupt and dysfunctional system of monetary policies and money creation. It is time to end crony capitalism, which is leading us deeper into the financial totalitarianism cesspool!

US Poverty rate continues to rise (like the stock market)


 A terrible trend, no one wants to address in the main-stream financial media!  A new poverty survey/estimate seeking to analyze the nationwide impact of government shut-downs, relief measures which expired just at the end of last month has found that past months of 2020 marked the sharpest rise in the US poverty rate since the 1960’s. The study recently released found that the poverty rate increased by 2.4% during the second half of 2020, this data follows the rise seen last spring and early summer due to the Covid-19 rolling lockdowns in various parts of the country. Sadly, this data point suggests that an additional 8+ million Americans being dropped into a newly poor zone/level, nearly double the largest annual rise in poverty in over 50+/- years and the financial media wants us to believe their hype that all is well? The authors of the study further found that Black Americans were among the hardest hit, and more than twice as likely to fall below the poverty line as White Americans (no color disparity, here right?) The researchers found that the stimulus checks the government issued in the spring helped forestall the poverty rate from rising even faster and further!

If you remember that in late December, $900 billion in additional federal relief aid was passed, and Uncle Joe Biden our new Commander in Chief is asking Congress for an additional $1.9 trillion in bailout stimulus.

The US trend over the past (6) months is also echoed in global data showing high and rising Covid19 fueled poverty across much of the world. In a recent Oxfam study which also sought to assess the financial impact of the pandemic up to 500 million people globally have been dropped into poverty level/zone, while at the same time the world's 10 richest men made a combined $540 billion over the same time frame (no wealth inequality here now is here  ☹ ?) Oxfam is calling it evidence of the “greatest rise in inequality since records began.? 

New Home Sales up slightly in December, but median prices rose significantly (forcing more and more potential buyers out of the market!)


 New Home Sales up slightly in December, but median prices rose significantly (forcing more and more potential buyers out of the market!)  According to data released this week, New home sales increased 1.6% month/month to a seasonally adjusted (I love the fuzzy math) annual rate of 842,000 in December (consensus came in 860,000) from a downwardly revised 829,000 in November. On a year/year basis, new home sales rose a whopping 15.2%. The key takeaway from the report is that new home sales, which are counted when contracts are signed (not closed) moderated for the 2nd straight month from the torrid recovery pace experienced in July to October (due to property chasers, and historic low rates “thank-you-FED) period that ran at an average sales pace of 968,000. I believe that the rapid rise in prices has contributed to the moderating rate of sales.

Ø  The median sales price increased 8.0% year/year to $355,900 (more than 4x the rate of the bogus inflation numbers) while the average sales price jumped 4.6% to $394,900.

Ø  For the full year, sales climbed to 811,000, the best level in more than a decade. However, it does not take rocket science to comprehend the driver of the recent slowing in sales... record median home prices rose 8.0% year/year to $355,900.

Ø  15% of new homes sold in December cost more than $500,000, down a tad from 17% prior month.

o   Fed-head Powell on Wednesday cited real estate as a bright spot in the economy even as other sectors have cooled. “The housing sector has more than fully recovered from the downturn, supported in part by low mortgage interest rates,”  he said  after the latest FED “BS” policy statement was released.

Well played another housing bubble in the making!

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Powell and FED killing off the vanishing middle class and now they are squeezing the working class


The Once Great American Middle Class has stood meekly by (like drones) while the New Nobility strip them of $50 trillion from the middle and working classes. As the RAND report documents, that over $50 trillion has been siphoned from labor and the lower 90% of the workforce to the New Elite-Nobility and their technocrat lackeys who own the vast majority of the capital (see the report) So the $64,000 question that begs to be answered is “Why has the Once Great American Middle Class pathetically and submissively accepted their new role as debt-slaves and powerless peasants in this new Nonfeudal Economy ruled by the elite, most wealthy and corporations and Wall-Street thugs/financiers all of who have been assisted significantly by the FED’s free flowing massive money printing that get mostly directed to them; this has led to a massive wave of soaring wealth inequality! These new-age robber barons share with today's high-tech monopolists a huge strategy of encouraging folks to see immense inequality as a tragic but unavoidable consequence of the new age of present-day capitalism and technological change. Today, far too many Americans accept grotesque accumulations of wealth and power as normal. The bottom 90% of the U.S. economy has been decapitalized: and massive debt has been substituted for capital. Capital flows into the centralized top tier 10% (mostly the top 1%) which owns and profits from the rising Tsunami wave of debt that has been keeping the bottom 90% afloat for the past 20-30 years. Ninety to ninety five percent of Americans have been reduced to debt-slaves and needy peasants who now rely on casinos and pure speculative luck to get ahead: (playing the stock market has also been a mainstay for speculation as well) hoping their over-valued mortgaged home doubles in value, even as the entire value.

Lately there has been incessant hype and rhetoric about rebuilding America’s infrastructure and the Green New Deal, but the first several question must always be: who will pay for it and to whose benefit? How much of the spending will actually be devoted to changing the rising imbalances between the haves and the have-nots {will be little if any], the rich who profit from rising debt and the ever more decapitalized debt-slave who are further impoverished by escalating debt! Unfortunately, the vanishing middle class has timidly and meekly accepted the claims of the New Nobility that the $50 trillion transfer of wealth was inevitable and beyond anyone’s likely intervention. But once the stock market and housing casinos collapse again, the last bridge to getting ahead [the high-risk gambling in stocks and real estate] will fall into the cesspool abyss, and the middle class will have to face their servitude and powerlessness and accept that they are prisoner of debt a fate hey helped to purpurate.

Central Banker and government responses to the Covid-19 pandemic have done little for the poor and working class or vanishing middle class Americans and continue to disproportionately enrich the elite and most wealthy wealthy. Further evidence of how the FED's wealth transference flawed policies have worked, the Institute for Policy studies and Americans For Tax Fairness, who this past week issued a press release noting that 10 months into the Covid-19 crisis, America's billionaires have seen their wealth rise over 40%, or $1.14 trillion; they used March 18th as a starting point for the Covid-19 pandemic, their release offered up similar stunning numbers to those that I have been writing about for over 5-months now. Not much has changed for America’s billionaires in the midst of the great crisis except the incessant inflation of their wealth. What was astounding was they the combined fortune of the nation’s 660 billionaires as of January 18th, 2021 topped $4.1 trillion, up a staggering ~40% from their collective net worth of just under $3 trillion on March 18th, 2020 wow, what a huge amount of gains upon which they will pay little to no taxes on. This a staggering number as at $4.1 trillion, the total wealth of America’s 660 billionaires is 66% higher than the $2.4 trillion in total wealth held by the bottom 50% of the population over 165,000,000 Americans, the report cited (no wealth disparity there right 😊). 

Trying to argue for tax changes, the report stated that that the $1.1+ trillion wealth gain by 660 U.S. billionaires since March 2020 could pay for all of the nee4ded relief for working families contained in Biden’s proposed $1.9 trillion pandemic rescue package, which includes $1,400 in direct payments to individuals, $400-a-week supplement enhancement to unemployment benefits, and an expanded child tax credit (will the top 660 billionaires donate their new found wind-fall to the most neediest Americana “HELL-NO” they demand and desire even more wealth!!) This it is a stunning visualization of exactly how much wealth has been funneled to the top 1% under the guise of Pandemic bailouts and debt-enslavement of main street as many ordinary Americans have not fared as well as these billionaires during the pandemic, the report notes:

Ø  Over 25 million have fallen ill with the virus and more than 421,000 have died from it. [Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center]

Ø  Collective work income of rank-and-file private-sector employees (all hours worked times the hourly wages of the entire bottom 82% of the workforce) declined by 1% in real terms from mid-March to mid-December, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data.

  • Ø  Over 73 million lost work between March 21st and December 26th, 2020.
  • Ø  A staggering 16.4 million were collecting unemployment on January 2nd, 2021.
  • Ø  Nearly 100,000 businesses have permanently closed their doors.
  • Ø  Over 12 million workers have likely lost their employer-sponsored health insurance during the pandemic as of August 26th, 2020 according to the Economic Policy Institute
  • Ø  Over 29 million adults reported between December 9th and 21st that their household had not had enough food in the past week.
  • Ø  Over 14 million adults: over 20% of renters reported in December being behind in their rent. [CBPP]

You get the picture right, the rich get richer while the poor, working class and vanishing middle class get scraps at best and have to go deeper in debt! The Billionaires are reaping massive wealth gains during the pandemic; as a majority benefit from having their competitors shut down and or they have been controlling technologies and services we are all dependent on now (stay at home service and telecommunication service) during this crisis and this unprecedented time; and these same greedy folks believed that they should be taxed less?

Watch the free-flowing-easy money from FED and central-bankers

After the 1st month of the new year has concluded and as we head deeper into 2021, there is a massive and incessantly hyped consensus that the massive monetary interventions seen in 2020 will lead to an explosion of economic growth, (let us not talk about higher inflation, and higher interest rates). I suspect that the outcome of more and more deficit-debt-driven spending will lead to a massive disappointment in growth and disinflation instead. Please reflect upon the infamous words of Milton Friedman: “Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon, in the sense that it cannot occur without a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than in output.” And in my opinion, there is little disputing that the FED is “printing cyber money” without any hesitation or reservation.


That massive spike in M2 is basically from the Government’s massive, gigantic monetary fiscal response to combat the pandemic-related economic shutdowns that they created. In mu analysis, the end game for the FED’s twin asset bubbles in stocks and bonds will led toward unwarranted real-life inflation. Of course, if the massive monetary infusions create an economic boom, then a surge in inflation and interest rates will not be an issue they incessantly state? There are several reasons why so-called great expectations of significant growth may fall significantly short of reality. For the past 12-years, the new-year refrain from hyping economists has been “this year is the year of economic growth and inflation.” Each year the manipulative data has been a serious disappointment. While in theory, “printing cyber money” should logically lead to a significant increase in economic activity and inflation, but this has not been the case. A better way to look at this premise is through the “veil of money” theory. If money is a commodity, more of it should lead to less purchasing power, resulting in inflation (seems logical right). This is where monetary velocity becomes essential, “Monetary Velocity” is a premise that the Federal Reserve has failed to grasp that their lame monetary policies are “deflationary” when the creation of more and more “debt” is required to fund it. The velocity of money is important for measuring the rate at which money in circulation is used for purchasing goods and services. Velocity is useful in gauging the health and vitality of the economy. Please reflet back on your econ-101 days, as high money velocity is usually associated with a healthy, expanding economy; and conversely low money velocity is usually associated with recessions and contractions. With each monetary policy intervention (FED) Q/E’s the velocity of money has slowed along with the breadth and strength of real economic activity. However, it is not just the expansion of the FED’s manipulative balance sheet, which undermines the real strength of the economy. It is also the massive continuing suppression of real interest rates in their lame attempt to stimulate economic activity. We saw in 2000, the FED found “unfortunately” that lowering interest rates did not stimulate economic activity. Instead, the “debt burden” detracted from it.  Despite persistent hopes and prayers that economic growth and inflation would arise from historic lower interest rates, more and more government spending, and increased so called “very accommodative policies,” each reiteration has led to weaker outcomes (wow a definition of insanity). This not and should not be a surprise, as real monetary velocity increases when deficits revert back to a surplus. Financial surpluses allow said revenues to move into productive investments rather than debt service. Since I left the active Army way back in 1979, there has been a shift in the economy’s fiscal makeup from productive to non-productive investments. Currently government spending has shifted away from productive investments. Instead of things like the Hoover Dam, which created decent jobs (infrastructure and positive real development), spending shifted to social welfare, defense, and debt service, which have a negative rate of return (simple economics). According to the Center On Budget & Policy Priorities, nearly 75% of every tax dollar goes to non-productive spending, and awful trend and one that could derail our society!  In 2020 debt “deficits” increased by over $6.2 trillion a staggering number.  This is why “monetary velocity” began to decline as total debt passed the point of being “productive” to becoming “destructive.” The FED’s main massive contagion now is that due to the massive levels of debt, interest rates MUST remain at/near historic lows. Any uptick in rates promptly slows economic activity, forcing the FED to lower rates and support it (how much lower can rates go?) the current deficit path’s deflationary pressure will continue to erode economic activity even if the FED manages to see a spark of “BS” inflation, which should push interest rates higher, the debt burden will lead to an economic recession and deflationary pressures.

The deficit/debt problem remains a massive risk of monetary to fiscal policies. If rates rise, the negative impact on a massively indebted economy quickly dampens real activity the decline in monetary velocity clearly shows that deflation is also a real and persistent threat. It is hard to overstate the degree to which psychology drives an economy’s shift to deflation. When the prevailing economic mood in a nation changes from significant undying optimism to pessimism, participants change. Creditors, debtors, investors, producers, and consumers all change their primary orientation from expansion to conservation. Such behaviors reduce the velocity of money, which puts downward pressure on prices. Money velocity has already been slowing for years, a classic warning sign that deflation is looming. 

There are no serious real-life decent options for the FED unless they are willing to allow the system to painfully reset. The FED and the Biden Administration will have to face hard choices to extricate the economy from the massive current “liquidity trap” and history has repeatedly demonstrated that political leadership never makes hard choices until those choices get forced upon them. Most telling is the current inability, of those who job it is to maintain our monetary and fiscal policies, to realize the problem of trying to “cure a debt problem with more debt” is insanity at its core!