Wednesday, January 27, 2021

The FED is a massive economic drain on our economy, they wage WAR against the working-class to enrich the elite


The FED in reality, is a non-independent governmental agency, that does the bidding of the powerful politicians, the TBTF-bankers, the elite/most wealthy “Top 5%” and influential corporations has been waging WAR on the American middle class and working-class for decades and both groups are getting poorer (and they have almost wiped out the middleclass). Real wages of the working class have been at best stagnant for decades (many Americans have seen a massive deterioration in their real-wages when adjusted for real-inflation) decent paying jobs are extremely scare if they can be found at all...for Americans to seek a decent single wage-job to sustain the pursuit of the elusive American Dream...[ The American Dream used to be the belief that anyone, regardless of where they were born or what class they were born into, can attain their own version of success in a society where upward mobility is possible for everyone. The American Dream in the past was achieved through sacrifice, risk-taking, and hard work, rather than by chance] Now it is commonplace for corporation in the greedy pursuit of profits to export once decent American jobs overseas (they even get perks from out politicians to do so). While domestic small and medium businesses get burdened with taxes and government red tape. There are bailouts provided to corporations, other TBTF-bankers, and politically connected business and let us not forget to other central bankers to the tune of trillions while small-business owners of main street businesses go bankrupt. The massive almost endless flow of Q/Es have propped up the stock market, largely owned by the top 1% to 3% of the elite. So in reality the rich are getting significantly richer while a the so called greatest nation on earth has a record number of its people on food stamps; growing food insecurity has exploded, a record number of Americans have no health insurance, homelessness is on the rise (near record levels)

A massive amount of the blame 85% or better rests with the lecherous Federal Reserve controlled by the TBTF-bankers etc. as they “a private group of elites” who at will get to print money out of thin air for themselves and their cronies while their mainstream media tells everyone the FED has their backs and is a financial demigod and should never be questioned. They get richer and more powerful while the vanishing-middle-class and the working class inherits massive dent loads (economic enslavement) currently the middle class has one foot in the grave and the other foot on the proverbial banana peel, thanks to our corrupt and dysfunctional system of monetary policies and money creation. It is time to end crony capitalism, which is leading us deeper into the financial totalitarianism cesspool!

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