Monday, January 11, 2021

My take on inflation, Bitcoin's irrational move and positioning


Back in 12/2017 when bitcoin surged to reach what would be its then all-time high of just under $20,000, a huge number of then industry of experts calling bitcoin the biggest bubble in history were making headlines on CNBC etc. These bubble-callers were vindicated for a few years, little did they know that just three years later what they thought was the biggest bubble ever, would be surpassed 2+ times over with bitcoin now more than double its 12/2017 then all-time high on the back of global central bankers injecting over $1.34 billion of free flowing extremely cheap money/liquidity in the market each and every hour (as insane as it sounds). What is behind this epic move...with the FED now openly manipulating and depressing interest rates/yields and the CPI a “BS” useless, politically motivated indicator, bitcoin has emerged “hyped” as one of the last remaining accurate inflationary metric available to traders (perceived not reality). But that is what Wilson stated:

One of my forecasted mega surprises of 2021 will be higher inflation (and the implosion of the Bitcoin bubble) as inflation will be far nastier than many even thought possible, including the FED, expect. Currently, the consensus is expecting a gradual and orderly increase in prices as the economy continues to recover. However, the move in asset prices like Bitcoin and other Cryptos suggest markets are starting to think this adjustment may not be as gradual or orderly as expected. With global GDP output already back to pre-pandemic levels (fuzzy math at its best) as most expect GDP next quarter to soar to 5.0-6.5% Wow, figures never lie or they never misrepresent the underly picture right? for a 5-6.5% reading we would have to have a red-hot economy right....(wrong) (😊)  I see it at 2.75% at best however as we have new DEBT as far as the eye can see...King Trump signed into law the $1.4 trillion fiscal 2021 appropriations and the $900 billion Covid-19 relief deal Congress approved week...remember my friends that the equation for calculating GDP is: GDP = private consumption + gross investment + government investment + government spending + (exports – imports). For the gross domestic product, “gross” means that the GDP measures production regardless of the various uses to which the product can be put to use!

Our economy not yet even close to fully reopened, I think the risk for more massive price spikes is greater than anticipated (vis a VIX at 20.00-22.00). That risk is likely to be in areas of the economy where real actual supply may have been destroyed and the markets have priced in a light-switch scenario (that the economy will come back to pre-Covid-19 levels, like flipping a switch, I do not see it as so) as such the markets and participants are ill prepared for what could be a lackluster surge in demand at best into the 3rd and 4th quarters later this year!

we could see a huge disappointment [especially if the vaccines do not deliver as promised] with restaurants, travel, and other consumer/business related services...inflation could act like kryptonite for longer term duration bonds which would have a near-term negative impact on valuations for stocks should such a negative adjustment happen without warning and rather abruptly...


As a result of the violent inflationary price action these past months (hardly reported on by the financial media) past two months, bitcoin has surged almost 190%, with the cryptocurrency market now greater than $1 trillion (insane JMHO) as Bitcoin has blown-the-doors-off its prior bubbles. And just in case you are more visual than most and need visualization, here is how Bitcoin is now the mother of all bubbles.


Bitcoin’s recent performance basically dwarfs the 1999-2000 technology bubble the Bitcoin run has drawn comparisons to the dot-com bubble of the late 1990s. While the sentiment and underlying forces of both bubbles may be similar, their performance is a different story.

At the beginning of 2015 only 6-years ago, Bitcoin was trading just above $300 (I wish I had been a buyer). In early November this year, the Bitcoin price rose above $7,600. That translates to returns north of 2,200% in a matter of 1,041 trading days (a great return by any standard right). By comparison, the Nasdog was up 391% after 1,041 trading days from the start of 1995. Returns on the Nasdog peaked just shy of 1,100% after 1,326 trading days.

Bitcoin’s run has far outpaced the 1995-2000 technology bubble, and its returns have already dwarfed dot-com mania. Now, crypto advocates argue that Bitcoin has transformative fundamentals, so the returns are justified (I laughed when I wrote this). See I do not deny that blockchain is a transformative technology that will eventually revolutionize a segment of the finance industry. But the mainstream adoption of the internet in the 1990s was a massive paradigm-shift then as well. The widespread adoption of any so-called transformative technology has massive ups and downs and takes way more time than folks think it does not happen overnight.


Bitcoin has tripled in value this past year “2020”, growing steadily even as the stock market plunged in the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic. Investors have been drawn to it like moths to a flame (they will fly to close to the flame), as well as other cryptocurrencies have all rallied as the US dollar has significantly weakened. With the FED expected to leave interest rates near zero for several more years, bitcoin has been winning new followers. 


This is not bitcoin's first significant spike Bitcoin has seen. It had a strong run in 2017 and hit a then-record high of more than $20,000. But its price plummeted to just over ~$3,000 by early 2019 as China continued its crackdown on cryptocurrency. It then rebounded to ~$8,000 in May 2019. It soared past ~$20,000 in December, climbing rapidly in the past month into year’s end...and now it has gone more than parabolic!

Bitcoin fans are extremely adamant that the recent price rally has just started its moon-shot higher. From a technical standpoint, this current rally certainly appears to have gone vertical/parabolic. I believe failure at the new current highs would represent a clear technical divergence pattern between price and its RSI.

Additionally, the current giddy locoweed induced rally that started on December 20th consisted of a massive $10,850 rally cycle. The previous rally from October 20th to December 2nd consisted of another huge $9,200 rally phase. I believe this current rally phase from December 11th could be an E-Wave “5” rally (almost equal to the E-Wave “3” rally range).

If my technicals are correct, this final rally cycle could come crashing downward after reaching these peak levels (or it could stall right here) the level comes in at $47,150 (likely capped at $47,750-$48,400). My Bitcoin chart highlights the incredible price rally that has taken place over the past 3+/- weeks. It also highlights two clear price rally phases creating an A-B-C price wave pattern.

My daily Bitcoin chart highlights the two, almost identical in size, which has created a possible price peak top above $40,750. It also highlights the technical divergence between price and its RSI indicator in the lower pane. I believe this current peak may become a near term top in Bitcoin possibly resulting in a serious downward price correction Bitcoin has only solid technical support near ~$20,500 to ~$22,500. If Bitcoin prices collapse from the recent peaks.

Interestingly I have heard hardly a bearish remark about bitcoin, or a bullish comment [expect from myself] on the U.S. dollar in weeks. Investors and speculators are clamoring for any dollar replacement asset without regard to price or risk; something similar to what we saw in March 2020, but the actions were reversed; traders were fervently selling any asset they could find to hold cash. The charts and sentiment readings (which are extremely high) suggest the cash is trash mentality might be running on vapors. If I am right and I am betting that I am with my money (As I am SHORT GBTC & RIOT), things will look significantly different as we progress into the weeks and months ahead than they do today. I would not expect to see risk assets crashing down to retest the 2020 lows immediately; (I am referring to the S&P 500 near 2,190, crude oil under $10 etc.

Nevertheless, the speculative froth in these markets is reaching ridiculous heights and perhaps the most obvious display of this is the parabolic bitcoin frenzy / fever.


I have noticed that gold / silver and bitcoin generally trend follow each other but when the trends reverse it usually starts with gold then the action bleeds into bitcoin. With gold failing to break overhead resistance this past week after turning down from its August 3rd (2,072.30 highs) and the U.S. dollar trying to hold support (DXY at $87.50-88.30) the risk of being long and wrong in bitcoin is quite real. Also according to sentiment readings on the greenback only about 17% of market participants are bullish on the greenback, which is usually a sign of an very overcrowded belief. What would risk assets, particularly bitcoin, look like if the dollar ralls from here?

Remember my friends...You do not have to be in the know or massively smart to make money 😊 in the stock market; you just need to think differently. That means I do not equate an parabolic “up” market with a “healthy” market and vis versa all markets present opportunities to make decent money!

Gold is under pressure even while record highs have been established in both bitcoin and the Dow as we have seen that Gold prices have fallen below key levels ($1,900 per ounce) and investors would like to know which assets are likely to outperform as safe haven assets in 2021 (JMHO). Gold was trading under pressure (since topping in August 2020) as stock markets make new highs and market valuations in bitcoin surge to levels that many thought-were-impossible. Adding support to my bearish premise is the uptick in yields seen in the U.S. Treasury market. Yields on the 10-year note have made a clear break above the lower highs that were established in June 2020 and this is a critical factor that must be monitored by precious metal investors this is important because rising trends in Treasury markets often serve as an pre-indicator of potential weakness in precious metals as the sector remains woefully deficient in terms of its ability to generate investment yield.

These trends can be viewed as another market surprise indicator given the recent rise in Covid-19 deaths (over 4000 a day) that has emerged following the holiday season and As I have remarked global lock-down measures are unlikely to have much of a near-term impact if workers cannot afford to follow such restrictions.  It is highly unfortunate the macroeconomic picture has not helped matters and the latest U.S. labor report shows that job-growth has reversed for the first time in April as the U.S. is facing a huge net jobs decline of 10 million since February and this comes after the implementation of a mew paltry $600 stimulus check being sent out which will likely have an insufficient impact on the country’s consumer spending activity. In essence, these worse-than-expected jobs reports interestingly failed to inspire significant gold buying activity and it now looks as though the upcoming potential for more stimulus packages “bailout giveaways” might be the next driver of gold prices as has the massive increase in the money-supply!


For precious metals traders, this is important because of the effects these possible outcomes might have on future money supply. Since February, M-2 money supply in the U.S. has taken off like a rocket ship reaching levels above $19 trillion in November 2020. If these trends continue, we are likely to see sustained arguments supporting the bullish prospects for gold and silver because these are the assets that have traditionally provided market protection from these types of economic pressures in the past.

So, is bitcoin's massive liquidity-fueled explosion here to stay for good? I cannot say with 100% assured as anyone who claims otherwise is a liar and a charlatan, but all my technicals and fundamentals are flashing “Danger-Danger Wil Robinson” as there are growing liquidity warning signs explaining that the contrarian bear catalyst in 2021 will be rates not profits (also a likely bullish rebound in the greenback), so keep an eye on early warning signs that rates are turning bearish for risky assets!

Inflation in the real world is all around us: inflation spook the FED and balance sheet bulls (food prices at 6-year highs, up over 20% in the past 8 months alone, then there is energy inflation and durable good inflation and house/rent inflation)

The bursting of the bubble remains the biggest risk to the bullish premise, the as the 12+/- years associated with a massive backdrop of maximum liquidity and technological disruption has caused maximum inequality & massive social and electoral polarization…and value of US financial assets have soared (Wall Street) now stand at almost 6.2x the size of real GDP.

I see many massive bubbles that could come crashing down like Wile Coyote (Bitcoin, TSLA, and many zombie firms; however Bitcoin is biggest asset bubble ever it is also worth noting that investor price action is increasingly speculative (IPOs, SPACs), as the overall wealth gains for the elite and most wealthy are obscene... but extreme asset bubbles are unfortunately a natural end to destructive bull markets of past 12+/- years; bubbles (e.g.) in risk asset prices have been ignore rising rates!


Sunday, January 10, 2021

Some WISE OWL weekend thoughts (01-10-2021)

Over 18-months ago on the back of massive FED intervention, I predicted a melt-up in financial assets, and then I stated that I saw an equally tremendous market implosion...however I thought that implosion was stating in February 2020, and I failed to clearly see the massive FED & Government intervention in March resulting in a 55-to-65-degree parabolic rise to new all major stock indices globally are trading at record highs.  And as a result, real stock/index valuations have never been more stretched than any time in history as we can see from the Market Cap to GDP (the famed “Buffet Indicator”) has never been higher.

Nor has the market’s overall price-to-sales ratio:  The SPX-500 is now more overvalued than ever seen before via this measure; SPX-500 price-to-sales ratio is well above its dot-com bubble peak (WOW)... The chart below, from Ned Davis Research, shows that price relative to sales for the SPX-500 is at a record high, “well in excess of what they were in 2000 or 2007 at those peaks,” Other measures, like the median price to earnings ratio which excludes the very skewed effects of very profitable (like Apple) and very unprofitable firms like mega zombies show the SPX-500 overvalued by nearly 33% versus the typical valuation level seen since 1964.

But the SPX-500 is in my opinion vastly overstating earnings due to massive stock buybacks and another financial fuzzy math engineering! (for newbies: corporate buybacks reduce shares in circulation, increasing earnings-per-share even if overall profits have not risen and they mask deteriorating revenues and profits). Therefore, looking at the ratio of market valuations to overall profits suggests that real “apples to apples” comparison of P/E ratios are 70-80% above the long-term average.

So, will my prediction of a 25% to 45% plunge in equity prices this year come to be? Time will tell. But as extreme as that kind of drop may seem, history is on my side. Whenever massive and I mean massive debt has been the fuel for massive equity gains and enabled market multiples to distort upward to what I see as very unsustainably excessive levels which is what has been happening now on an unprecedented level a very and I mean painful correction to clear out the manipulative excessive speculation and bad debt and malinvestments have always followed. As I have previously written those who preserve their hard-earned capital throughout the coming crash will have the opportunity to redeploy it at very decent terms as the next recovery cycle begins. 

We saw this past week pre-options-X week that Santa finally delivered (with massive sweets and no-stocking coal) with a strong rally this past week, pushing the markets to all-time highs. Interestingly, despite the now “Blue Sweep” of the Georgia elections, the markets quickly turned from worrying that such would be harmful to “great this means more deficit and reckless government bailout spending” as we saw that the markets quickly dismissed concerns of higher taxes by justifying it with more stimulus and more massive deficits. It was clear that the market participants especially the newbies quickly justify paying higher prices for risky investments. A proverbial greater fool type of market where no-one loses and winners abound; as for the time being memories are deficient as I noted last week, as it seems that everyone feels that there is no risk associated with chasing the markets and prices higher as the FED has your backs and there will always be a greater fool. As markets continue to levitate, investors are becoming overly confident that the markets are a one direction trend. But therein lies a massive risk as confidence breeds complacency. In the near-term, the bullish trends remain undamaged. 

After a month-long choppy process, the SPX-500 finally set a new all-time high in the near-term [remember this is triple witching options-X week] MACD signals and money flows are decent, suggesting prices could rise higher in the near-term. However, while the MACD, and money flow, are positive, the market remains significantly overbought on multiple time frames which suggests that while markets could rise, it could be somewhat limited relative to the real inherent risk lurking just below the surface. On an intermediate and longer-term basis, the markets remain grossly over-bought and very overextended. The only other times I have seen these massive amount of overextensions in recent years resulted in the loss of “all” of the recent short-term gains rather quickly. Almost everyone is incredibly “bullish” about the prospects for massive market gains in 2021 with hopes and prayers for massive “new” stimulus, infrastructure spending, and a real working vaccine that will eliminate the Covid-19 contagion...this comes as 10-11 million of Americans are still unemployed, but they expect that the real economy will shift into a “Golden Age” not seen since the 1950s despite being embroiled in a 12+ /- FED massive bull interventionist and manipulated market based on massive free-flowing money, from the March lows in 2009 at 666.30 on the SPX-500 to Fridays closing high of 3,825! However, therein lies the problem that no-one wants to address this openly and logically; as there have been only two previous periods in history that have had the necessary ingredients to support a rising cycle of interest rates, inflation, and economic growth over an extended period; and this cycle has no such ingredients!

Ø  The first was during the great infrastructure cycle when the country became accessible from coast to coast via railroads and automobiles. America began shifting from an agricultural to a real industrial powerhouse economy; as we entered WW-I 

Ø  The the second cycle was post-World War II. As this terrible war left America the proverbial last man standing after France, England, Russia, Germany, Poland, Japan, and others were devastated (seems like we as a nation are bolsters via incessant wars). It was then that America found its most substantial run of economic growth in its history as the “boys of war” returned home to start rebuilding what they had just destroyed.

So, I hope I do not have to impress upon you that our once-great industrial nation is no longer the manufacturing powerhouse it once was, and globalization and massive corporate greed has exported our once decent middle-class and working-class jobs to the cheapest labor sources abound and now through robotics and almost endless technological advances that continue to reduce the need for human labor which in turn significantly suppresses wages despite massive productivity gains. Today, we see that the number of workers between the ages of 16 and 54 participating in the labor force is near the lowest level relative to that age group since the late 1970s. Worse yet my friends we have seen that a structural and demographic contagion continues to drag on real economic growth as nearly 25% of the population is now dependent on some form of governmental assistance a massive travesty in my opinion. So, without mixing words the ingredients required for a l sustained level of more robust economic growth and prosperity are definitely NOT available.

When the real economy is expanding organically, the real demand for capital increases as business increases production to meet rising demand. Increased production has historically led to higher wages (absent for the past 40+ years), which in turn fosters more aggregate demand. As consumption increases, so does producer’s ability to charge higher prices (this is inflation) and for lenders to increase borrowing costs. (Currently, we do not have the type of inflation that leads to more robust economic growth, just inflation in the real costs of living that weakens consumer spending, as we have seen rises in food prices, energy prices, rents and home prices, property taxes, education, durable-goods, health-insurance, and healthcare in general)! It is unfortunate that consumption that is dependent solely on increases in debt, or give-away stimulus programs, has a real negative impact on real growth. Currently, the so-called economic gurus being pranced about on CNBC hope and pray that with the “BS” so-called “Blue Wave,” more stimulus, massive new deficits, and infrastructure spending is soon on their way and that all will prosper. Goldman Sachs just upgraded their estimate of GDP (a bogus number) now based on the expectation of another $750 billion to $1 trillion-dollar deficit stimulus package.

The massive surge in deficit spending, combined with the pick-up in short-term demand for construction and manufacturing processes will only give the appearance of economic growth, and it will fade quickly, and such action will likely propel the FED and the “bond bears” on the wrong side of the very crowded trade. Mark my words my friends these “one-off” inputs into the economy will fade quickly after implementation as real organic productivity fails to develop (and the question remains will we be forced into this bailout economic trap). While many hopes these programs will lead to an ongoing economic expansion, a look at the past 40-45 years of fiscal and monetary policy suggests it will not (though the masses believe it will again be different this time)! Please remember from my past analysis and writings that you cannot create real economic growth when financed by massive deficit spending, massive credit expansion (debt enslavement) and a reduction in savings; all you can do is temporally create the “mass-illusion” for the economically uneducated of growth in the near-term, but the surge in massive debt reduces both productive investments and the output from the real economy [economics 101 my friends]. As the economy slows, wages deteriorate, forcing consumers to take on more leverage “debt” and decrease their savings rate (their disaster cushions and retirement). As a the result, of the increased leverage, more of their income is needed to service their reckless debt, which requires them to take on more and more debt becoming debt-slaves a very nasty vicious cycle! Of course, the bulls wanting and demanding more and more government and FED bailouts argue this time is different and inflation is NOT a real threat. 

Despite being the richest country in the world, food poverty has become a real problem during this Covid-19 pandemic. This will likely leave us with the next food inflation crisis “that is looming” as central bankers are mindlessly injecting a record $1.4 billion in liquidity into capital markets every hour. Soaring food inflation hurts the poor and working-class and will likely result in social destabilization; the question is where will it start?  

I am looking for a dollar rebound (DXY, UUP)!  Despite reassurance from lecherous central bankers has emboldening investors that have been feasting on FED locoweed for years now to add significantly to their risky assets (stocks, mostly zombie firms). Regardless of what he says Powell has confirmed the FED plans to continue their role as the great massive asset-bubble inflator and bullish market enabler. Every time the FED signals additional easing or that it will keep rates low well into the future it raises the ability of other central bankers to do the same and governments add to their fiscal stimulus packages. This is why those demonizing the dollar may be dead wrong as all fiat currencies that are under pressure from this expansion of the money supply.  Central bankers across the globe have been able to lower their rates (many into negative levels) or add additional stimulus without causing their currency would crater. The fact that so many loans across the world are based and loaned in dollars means countries and businesses must buy dollars to repay their ballooning obligations. In my opinion, this puts a bit of a floor under the deteriorating dollar!

Our proverbial US “drunken-spending-sailors” are carrying the world on our economic shoulders. Rather than pay rent, or making their mortgage payments, auto-payments, during the Covid-19 debacle as it seems from the exploding trade deficit numbers that we have seen that Americans are taking a significant portion of the bailout monies they get from Uncle Sam and buying imported goods.

Not only is the current FED policy totally uncalled for (JMHO) but it does little to strengthen the real economy or address our real ballooning economic problems. What it does do is continue to prop up asset prices, enabling zombie firms to remain alive and significantly encourage risk-taking and massive malinvestments.  Due to the artificially historic low cost of credit (and massive debt increases) and an unsustainable increase in the money supply...bubbles are forming everywhere.

Their actions these past 4-years suggests that the global the financial system was in big trouble even before Covid-19 entered the picture and the pandemic has been used to shift blame and focus away from the governments and central bankers that have implemented very flawed economic processes that enrich the elite/most-wealthy at the expense of the taxpayers and working-class. What we have been witnessing is not a failure of injecting enough liquidity into the system, but that liquidity is being diverted from where it is needed most. The idea more liquidity can make up for a solvency problem is unrealistic and turned failing firms into zombies. 

Unfortunately (unbeknownst to many) the market has reached what I believe is a massive tipping point where profits are no longer needed to generate a return on investments as crazy as thet seems. These Hindenburg type of bubbles represent a major disconnect from reality. Firms borrow money extremely cheaply (close to 2%) by issuing “BS” corporate bonds, then they use it almost solely for massive corporate stock buybacks and shareholder dividends, thus furthering the massive disconnect between the value of stocks and the economy that resides in the real-world!

The recent rise in stocks is also linked to the expected future economic relief packages (front-running) that will soon roll out of Congress. Also, the FEDs massive easy money policies strongly favor’s big business; resulting in the destruction of many small and medium-sized business (advanced by Covid-19). We have yet to see the massive economic contagion resulting from folks working from home will have office buildings vacancies or the total devastation online shopping has unleashed upon local retail property owners as the fact that many businesses cannot pay their rent or mortgage payments due to displacement and the Covid-19 pandemic has a significant lag time.

Reflect back on economic-101 in the Austrian business cycle theory, malinvestments are poorly allocated business investments, A strong case can be made that we already suffer from far too much leverage in our markets, and this rate reduction these past few years only encourages savers suffering from historic low-interest rates to take on more and more risk in search of higher yields. I have pointed out in many of my writing that historic low-interest rates do not extend down to low-income individuals with poor credit and far too many folks fall into this category. Instead, over time these historic low-interest rates fuel inequality and punish the poor and working class.  Government, FED, and Wall Street money is driving this trend. While retailers close and buildings go empty across the land new buildings are being put up on speculation and bogus public-private partnerships are plowing vast sums of money into projects geared to compete with those that already exist. the fact is all across our great land the FED is putting the small guy out of business.

At some point to reestablish true price discovery it will be necessary to break the well-ingrained habit of buying the dip. This method of investing has worked since October 19th, 1987 wherein the Dow dropped 22.5% in a single daily session. That is the day the actions by Greenspam galvanized the mantras buy the dip and do not fight the FED. Greenspan did this by affirming the FED would be there to serve as the primary source of liquidity to support the economic and financial system as they were economic demi-gods. This new trading premise “buying the dips” is now fully ingrained in the robotic algorithms embedded deep inside the bot-computers that significantly too much of the stock market's action these days. 

Powell has repeatedly confirmed the FED and FOMC’s plans to continue as the great stock market enabler. As the massive rapid expansion of debt and credit during the past 12+/- years could not have occurred without the FED being extremely complicit.


Friday, January 8, 2021

Sent to subscribers last night


I sent this out last night to subscribers/readers 

Equality? Fairness? Logic? The NEXT market bullish catalysts...Just imagine how much higher markets can rally during the next pandemic (that kills 500,000 a nasty economic recession where 15-20 million lose their jobs or the next insurrection where the streets bleed red with American blood due to lies the ass-clowns perpetrate (like FOX-News); the rise of FED-zombie firms, the creation of more and more zombie firms...what a great market we have where the elite and most wealthy get enriched and Main-Street pays for it, and the working class gets deiminated.

Another day, another and some more sweet gains for the locoweed fasting bulls, as stocks ripped higher once more to push the SPX-500 above 3,800 for the first time, a cool 70% above its March lows.  Treasuries came under renewed pressure with the long bond yield jumping to 1.86%, leaving the 2-year vs. 30-year spread at its widest level since May pf 2017.  WTI crude rose to near $51 a barrel, gold even edged higher to $1,915 an ounce and bitcoin rocketed like a scolded cat touching $40,300 after residing near $36,000 yesterday, it settled down through the afternoon.  The VIX plunged 11% to settle below 22.5. 

There should be no huge mystery (if you listened to my reasoning yesterday) as to why the markets did not give a rat’s ass about what happened in the Capital yesterday, however disturbing, disgraceful, and embarrassing to us as a nation as it was. It is because it has no bearing on the direction of the economy, earnings, and interest rates simple right. 


Where is the outrage?

There was close to 4,000 yes close to 4,000 Americans died on 01-06-2021 from Covid-19 and its mishandling, and where is the outrage, as on 911; there were only 2,977 people who died, and we went to WAR; Yesterday a mob incited by King-Trump stormed the Capitol and since most were white, they were handled with kid gloves when compared with what happened with those who protested “Black-lives-matter” nevertheless, yesterday and again today the stock market managed posting new all-time highs.


1. Stocks: all-time highs

2. Home prices: all-time highs

3. Corporate bond yields: all-time lows

4. Mortgage rates: all-time lows

5. Fed: we need many more years of 0% rates and bond buying to boost asset prices & increase inflation.

6. Bitcoin: all-time highs


TSLA’s valuation vs. the other auto manufacturers!

[Toyota + VW+ Daimler+ GM+ Volvo+ Honda+ BMW+ Hyundai+ Fiat+ Ford+ Peugeot+ Subaru+  Kia+ Renault all combined]

TSLA Revenue: $28 billion vs Others $1.8 trillion

TSLA Market capitalization: $783 billion vs Others $780 billion

After a mixed bag from other soft self-serving (cheerleading) survey data so far, analysts expected ISM Services numbers to continue sliding lower in December, but instead the numbers took off like a rocket.

·         ISM Manufacturing surged to 60.7

·         ISM Services surged to 57.2 (smashing expectations of 54.5)

And all of that supposedly happened as real-hard economic data continues to deteriorate...The picture from the underlying factors paints a quite different picture with jobs tumbling...The ISM’s employment measure fell to 48.2 after showing growth the previous three months. The pickup in growth at firms that make up the largest part of the economy is surprising given the increase in Covid-19 cases and tighter business restrictions in some states. At the same time, the employment gauge contracted for the first time in 4-months, showing the ongoing drag in the job market from the pandemic. Aside from faster growth in business activity and orders, the overall index was bolstered by a massive jump in the supplier deliveries gauge. Similar to manufacturers, lead times at service providers may have lengthened because of pandemic-related disruptions to supply chains... how is that a positive??

 WE took several SHORT plays today; many are looking quite sweet

My turn wave market timing property indicators has forecasted a potential turn-window, and the technicals are getting significantly stronger, and it pointing toward a HUGE inflection period ahead, the window is tightening as we get nearer to the potential turn....and according to my wave analysis we have multiple waves converging and a major Inflection point & Fibonacci collision of price and time waves/patterns and Gann topping [Gann lines, are based on the premise that prices move in predictable patterns. Gann's theory is based on time/price movements] possibility hitting the overall markets on/between 01/08/2021 and 01/15/2021 and since we have been in strong bullish up-trend from the March lows its likely to be a bearish reversal wave...the monthly and weekly index charts are also buried in extreme over bought conditions as well!

This corrective wave could be (key-word is could, we never know what we do not know) be the start of a significant major Bearish corrective period system and analysis is telling me that this could be a significant correction period lasting 21-29 trading days...with the potential for a slight retracement after the initial down-cycle then another downward corrective wave will likely play  

Ø  I am looking for a potential drop of  2000-3,000  Dow points

Ø  I am looking for a potential drop of    350 -  350  Nasdog points

Ø  I am looking for a potential drop of    250 -  285  SPX-500 points

Ø  I am looking for a potential drop of    175 -  200  Russell-2000 points


Thursday, January 7, 2021

WISE OWL 2021-freebie ideas (Happy-New-Year Leveraged LONGs on the concept of SHORTING the various ETF’s / Indexes

My turn wave market timing property indicators has forecasted a potential turn-window, and the technicals are getting significantly stronger, and it points toward a HUGE inflection period ahead, the window is tightening as we get nearer to the potential turn....and according to my wave analysis we have multiple waves converging and a major Inflection point & Fibonacci collision of price and time waves/patterns and Gann topping [Gann lines, are based on the premise that prices move in predictable patterns. Gann's theory is based on time/price movements] possibility hitting the overall markets on/between 01/08/2021 and 01/15/2021 and since we have been in strong bullish up-trend from the March lows its likely to be a bearish reversal wave...the monthly and weekly index charts are also buried in extreme over bought conditions as well!

This corrective wave could be (key-word is could, we never know what we do not know) be the start of a significant major Bearish corrective period system and analysis is telling me that this could be a significant correction period lasting 21-29 trading days...with the potential for a slight retracement after the initial down-cycle then another downward corrective wave will likely play  

Ø  I am looking for a potential drop of  2000-3,000  Dow points

Ø  I am looking for a potential drop of    350 -  350  Nasdog points

Ø  I am looking for a potential drop of    250 -  285  SPX-500 points

Ø  I am looking for a potential drop of    175 -  200  Russell-2000 points


RELOADED after taking profit yesterday    01-07-2021     I am NET SHORT a significant step-in positions

My system signaled a significant sell signal at 10:32hrs

 Ã˜  Order to book out ½ at 3,734.75  I am SHORT ESH21  8-contracts at ,3,798.00  (for a potential SHORT -reversal) target at 3,725 thereafter 3,700

Ø  Order to book out ½ at 30,725   I am SHORT 8-contracts at 31,055   YMH21   comes into play (for a potential SHORT -reversal) target at 30,250 thereafter 30,000

Ø  Order to book out ½ at 12,610     I am SHORT NQH21 4-contracts at 12,905  (for a potential SHORT -reversal) at 12,655 thereafter 12,409

Ø  Order to book out ½ at 370.00     SPY  600-shares @  $379.50 (for a potential SHORT-reversal) target at 370.00 thereafter 362.05

Ø  Order to book out ½ at 198.00   I am SHORT IWM  600-shares @  $207.80 (for a potential SHORT-reversal) target at 198.00 thereafter 192.05

Ø Order to book out ½ at 294.00   I am SHORT DIA  600-shares @  $311.70 (for a potential SHORT-reversal) target at $302.00 thereafter $294.05

Leveraged LONGs on the concept of SHORTING the various ETF’s / Indexes we are knocking on the door, most afford hedging if needed with covered calls, most also have longer-dated calls as well so you can implore more leverage at a lesser cost!

01-07-2021   I am   LONG   6000-shares for me and 1000 for the portfolio at  $16.00 will write covered calls if I have too  the February $18.00      WE ARE IN THE SELL/BUY-ZONE    Reviewed    01-07-2021         “Direxion SHORT on semi’s”   I will be LONG  “SOXS” again 6000/1000-for portfolio  @ $16.00 and or < than > $17.00  looking for a retracement play, target $30.45 thereafter $37.75    SOXS Looking to BUY the January monthly strikes the $15.00 (400 contracts) at $6.00 each

WE ARE close to THE BUY-ZONE    Reviewed    01-07-2021         I will be LONG  (3000-shares, 600 for the portfolio) of the VXX at  $13.60 and or < then > $16.05   (when VIX trades to $16.55 and or < than > $19.75   I like covered calls or a call-spread

WE ARE close to THE SELL/BUY-ZONE    Reviewed    01-07-2021         I will be LONG  (4000-shares, 800 for the portfolio) of the “SQQQ”: at  $13.25 and or < then > $14.75    I like covered calls or a call-spread   I love playing with a covered call approach and using longer-dated Calls In the money / At the money

 WE ARE close to THE SELL/BUY-ZONE   Reviewed    01-07-2021         I will be LONG  (4000-shares, 800 for the portfolio) of the “SDOW”: at  $10.30 and or < then > $11.75 I like covered calls or a call-spread  I love playing with a covered call approach and using longer-dated Calls In the money / At the money

 WE ARE close to THE BUY-ZONE    Reviewed    01-07-2021         I will be LONG  (4000-shares, 800 for the portfolio) of the “UVXY”: at  $8.25 and or < then > $10.00 I like covered calls or a call-spread

 WE ARE close to THE BUY-ZONE    Reviewed    01-07-2021         I will be LONG  (4000-shares, 1000 for the portfolio) of the “QID”: at  $6.05 and or < then > $6.75     I like covered calls or a call-spread     I love playing with a covered call approach and using longer-dated Calls In the money / At the money

 WE ARE close to THE SELL/BUY-ZONE    Reviewed    01-07-2021         I will be LONG  (4000-shares, 800 for the portfolio) of the “SPXU”: at  $5.00 and or < then > $5.55 I like covered calls or a call-spread     I love playing with a covered call approach and using longer-dated Calls In the money / At the money

WE ARE IN to THE SELL/BUY-ZONE     Reviewed    01-07-2021         I will be LONG  (8000-shares, 1800 for the portfolio) of the SPXS at  $3.25 and or < then > $4.00 I like covered calls or a call-spread I love playing with a covered call approach and using longer-dated Calls In the money / At the money

WE ARE IN to THE SELL/BUY-ZONE    Reviewed    01-07-2021         SHORT on small caps”   I will be LONG  “SRTY” again 10,000/3000-for portfolio  @ $2.35 and or < than > $2.80  looking for a retracement play, target $8.45 thereafter $11.75 

WE ARE IN to THE SELL / BUY-ZONE    Reviewed    01-07-2021         I Developed 11-28-2020    “Direxion SHORT on small caps”   I will be LONG  “TZA” again 6000/1000-for portfolio  @ $5.25  and or < than > $6.05  looking for a retracement play, target $12.45 thereafter $17.75  I love playing with a covered call approach and using longer-dated Calls In the money / At the money

WE ARE IN to THE SELL / BUY-ZONE    Reviewed    01-07-2021         I Developed 11-28-2020    “Direxion SHORT on small caps”   I will be LONG  “FAZ” again 6000/1000-for portfolio  @ $5.35  and or < than > $6.30  looking for a retracement play, target $12.45 thereafter $17.75        I love playing with a covered call approach and using longer-dated Calls In the money / At the money

WE ARE closing in on the potential BUY-ZONE   Reviewed    01-07-2021         Developed  12-12-2020    looking for a retracement to re-enter   this is an inverse SHORT on the IBB when/if it trips $158.00-162.00    I will be LONG  “LABD” 2000/600-for portfolio  @ $17.55 and or < than > 20.00  or a break out > $22.30 looking for a retracement play, target $37.00 thereafter $48.75   its optionable   I love playing with a covered call approach and using longer-dated Calls In the money / At the money

Plays taken on 01-07-2021 (positions opened RELOADED after taking profit yesterday

Plays taken on 01-07-2021  

RELOADED after taking profit yesterday    01-07-2021     I am NET SHORT  a significant step-in positions

Ø  Order to book out ½ at 3,734.75  I am SHORT ESH21  8-contracts at ,3,798.00  (for a potential SHORT -reversal) target at 3,725 thereafter 3,700

Ø  Order to book out ½ at 30,725   I am SHORT 8-contracts at 31,055   YMH21   comes into play (for a potential SHORT -reversal) target at 30,250 thereafter 30,000

Ø  Order to book out ½ at 12,610     I am SHORT NQH21 4-contracts at 12,905  (for a potential SHORT -reversal) at 12,655 thereafter 12,409

Ø  Order to book out ½ at 370.00     SPY  600-shares @  $379.50 (for a potential SHORT-reversal) target at 370.00 thereafter 362.05

Ø  Order to book out ½ at 198.00   I am SHORT IWM  600-shares @  $207.80 (for a potential SHORT-reversal) target at 198.00 thereafter 192.05

Ø  Order to book out ½ at 294.00   I am SHORT DIA  600-shares @  $311.70 (for a potential SHORT-reversal) target at $302.00 thereafter $294.05

Ø  Order to book out ½ at 296.00   I am SHORT QQQ  600-shares @  $314.50 (for a potential SHORT-reversal) target at $302.00 thereafter $296.05

01-07-2021  I am SHORT  400/200-shares at  $794.20  as a Hedge, I sold 8 of the February $800 Puts at $86.00 I will cull them out when the turn is made   I did this to protect against massive locoweed Euphoria     WE ARE NEAR the potential SELL-ZONE   Developed      01-04-2021    TSLA  TOP fishing   Ranks a B+ Swing-Trade, I am  looking to take (300/ 100 for the portfolio)   (LIMIT ORDER at $794.20 to step in)  TSLA is a SHORT I prefer a push into overhead resistance @ $805.00  and or > than < than $777.00  target $650.05  then $567.05  its optionable

01-07-2021  I am SHORT  400/200-shares at  $295.70    Developed     01-07-2021  “SHORT”  Bloated financial stock (looking for a double top failure) “GS”   Ranks a B+ Swing-Trade, I am  looking to take (400/ 100 for the portfolio)   GS”  (LIMIT ORDER at $287.85 to step in)  GS is a SHORT I prefer a push into overhead resistance at  $297.00+/-  and or > than < $289.85   target $250.05  then $237.05  its optionable              

Next earnings release: 01/19 before market, confirmed. EPS consensus: $6.41 (they reported $9.68 last quarter)  Revenue consensus: 9.66 billion  (they reported 10.700 billion last quarter)

01-07-2021  Order to book out ½ at  $330.95     I am SHORT  400/200-shares of    “ROKU”   @ $370.95  target  $320.75 thereafter  $300.00

01-07-2021  Order to book out ½ at  $125.75     I am SHORT  400-shares of    “JPM”   @ 138.10  target  $125.75 thereafter  $120.00

01-07-2021  Order to book out ½ at  $37.25     I am SHORT  1000-shares of    “PLUG”   @ 46.25  target  $38.75 thereafter  $33.00

01-07-2021  I am SHORT  1000/500-shares at  $48.00    WE ARE  IN  the potential SELL-ZONE   Reviewed    01-06-2021       Developed      12-28-2020   ranks an “B+” trade       “GBTC”     I will be  SHORT at  $43.75  Looking for a push into OHR to $47.95 and or > than < $41.75 target $20.00 then $16.75    

01-07-2021  I am SHORT  1000/500-shares at  $48.00    WE ARE  IN  the potential SELL-ZONE   Reviewed    01-06-2021       Developed      12-28-2020   ranks an “B+” trade       “GBTC”     I will be  SHORT at  $43.75  Looking for a push into OHR to $47.95 and or > than < $41.75 target $20.00 then $16.75

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

DEBT-glorious-DEBT We are stretching the rubber band

We are stretching the rubber band 

It has been over 15-months since I rose the red-warning flag pointing to vast number of undertones of massive artificial central-banker led stability permeating deeply within our capital markets and society, with the pro forma “fuzzy-math” economy firing on all 12-cylinders (thanks to the massive and I mean massive twin deficits and the massive Tsunami wave-like levels of debt that had exploded under the King-Trump administration), with the market surging a whopping 30% last year and reaching all-time highs (despite flat earnings and many firms with deteriorating earnings on the back of almost tireless FED intervention and resumption of  “It is NOT QE” last September 2019 in order to bail out an lecherous TBTF banker named JPMorgan and a handful of other influential hedge fund’s treasury basis trades), and with King Trump cruising to what I thought could be an easy re-election victory [against sleep Joe Biden} as the FED’s actions were clearly fully behind King Trump and they helped propel the SPX-500 to return nearly 30% in 2019....well fast forward and I was wrong!

My crystal ball was darkening with storm clouds...I certainly was not a huge-bullish positional trader as I was turning into an old-grizzly-bear as my intermediate and longer term indicators were flashing extreme warnings signs that the bull-market was about to awaken the grizzly-bears; remember my friends I did not know that a highly contagious coronavirus strain had escaped the Wuhan Institute of Virology (China's first and only biosafety 4 lab “seemed to convenient in hindsight) nevertheless whether the release was intentional, and was going to kill millions when spreading around the globe, unleashing the biggest global black swan in the past 100 years, triggering personal and economic hell for hundreds of millions around the world who have subsequently lost their jobs, worse yet their loved ones as a result of the China virus (King-Trump was blaming China daily).

The arrival of the Covid-19 moving any links to China and which would lead to a historic pandemic the likes of which nobody expected one year ago shook the globe, and would lead to a slew of historic negative events taking place in just a few months from my issuance of some massive market warning signals in 2019, they included a nasty staggering lockdown of the global economy, and the official arrival of global B-52 money, where tens of trillions in fiscal and monetary stimulus was throw at the contagions like Halloween candy, followed by an overhaul of the global economy punctuated by an unprecedented explosion in global debt, an unfortunately for all an Orwellian like crackdown on civil liberties by governments everywhere, which in turn ultimately set the scene for what even the World Economic Forum called simply “The Great Reset.”

Needless to say, I do NOT want to revisit all the negative economic impact that happened in 2020, or all the black swans that the Covid-19 pandemic and its associated lockdowns unleased upon the world,

We saw many black swan many health related events that lead initially to a historic equity market crash (February into March of 2020), resulting in some nasty and profound funding a result the FED came to the markets rescue dropping rates to near 0% and they instituted QE at a magnitude that puts the post TBTF-banker led Great Financial Crisis period to shame...and out Treasury at the direction of Congresses knee-jerk response instituted trillions of dollars of fiscal stimulus; to quell the negative contagions due to unprecedented lockdowns by King Trump and many governors. We were forced to learn how to school and work remotely, changing the office space landscape forever in my opinion...and strangely something I never thought possible WTI front month contract traded with a negative price (pure crazy shit)...and the most amazing thing happened as we saw a massive bull-rally off of the March lows a subsequent epic equity bull market recovery rally that late in the year pierced the February highs!

Yet for all the massive unabated chaos and panic unleashed by Covid-19 pandemic, a certain undertone of pre-determination and almost tangible order was felt just below the surface: after all, the virus, crash, lock downs and recession provoked an unprecedented Tsunami wave of monetary and fiscal policy panic which sparked a record $24 trillion of stimulus in just the past 9 months around the globe (there will be no inflation ramifications though if we listen to the hypsters). As a result, central bankers spent over $1 trillion a month on financial assets via their respective QE programs, crushing yields, smashing volatility, and spreads, and pushing equities to all-time highs as we closed out 2020 even as most corporate earnings continue to deteriorate.

It's almost as if the world's most powerful and the richest of the rich and those with vastly concentrated assets ordered up the Covid-19 pandemic to enrich themselves even more than they had during the past decade or so; and of course it was not only the greedy of the greedy as lame self-righteous politicians the world would benefit also from the transition from QE to outright B-52 money drops and the adoption of so-called Modern Monetary Theories which made the vast over  monetization of government deficits widely accepted in the blink of an eye. And in the span of just a few months almost $15 trillion in government fiscal stimulus was announced globally with central bankers monetizing most of it 95% and pushing the quantity of global debt to a new record ~$280 trillion, a number which the Institute For International Finance expects to rise to $360 trillion by 2030; unless the reckless debt creation is abated immediately... and while thanks to massive unpresented central banker interventions, the cost of world debt dropped to a record low, with global negative yielding debt now at an all-time high $18.9 trillion.

The general theme is simple: no matter what happens, capital markets will never again be allowed to drop, regardless of the cost or how much more debt has to be incurred by the poor and working-class. As we look back at the news flow over the past year (most portrayed by King-Trump as fake news), and the past decade for that matter, the one thing that becomes especially clear amid the constant theme of the markets, is a world that is so flooded with massive liquidity!  The world's established powerful , elite and most wealthy will not allow it and will fight to preserve their broken status quo at any price their precious capital markets, that bedrock of Western capitalism and the modern way of life, where control, even if it means central planning mostly by central-bankers of the likes of which have not been seen before, and an upward trajectory of the markets must be preserved at all costs, as the alternative is a global, socio-economic implosion (JMHO).

And since it appears to be that the daily vacillations of the stock-market that sway’s popular sentiment and why King Trump has been tweeting almost daily about the markets and the interplay between capital markets and politics had never been more profound or more consequential. The more powerful message here is the implicit realization and admission by politicians, not just King Trump but also his peers and challengers, that the stock market is now seen as the consummate barometer of one's political accomplishments and approval. This is why capital markets are now, more than ever, a political tool whose purpose is no longer to distribute capital efficiently and discount the future, but to manipulate voter sentiments.

The last 11+/--years has been a story of massive central banker manipulation and vast monetary distortions to address the 2008 TBTF Banker led great financial crisis. Now central bankers face the consequences that they have created and are now trapped; and in my opinion this massive distortion can’t go uncorrected indefinitely; as I see a day when this massive distortion will eventually collapse, but so far the establishment and the top 1-percenters have been successful perhaps the word is lucky in preserving the value of risky assets: on the back of the FED's massive firehose of liquidity the SPX-500 returned an impressive 16% following the 29% return in 2019. It did so by staging the greatest rally off all time from the March lows, surpassing all of the 4 greatest rallies off the lows of the past century (1929,1938, 1974, and 2009); thanks to massive liquidity infusions. Yet this continued can-kicking down the road by the central planners and establishment all of which was made possible by the Covid-19 pandemic and huge and repeated lockdowns which served as an all too convenient scapegoat for the unprecedented response that served to propel risk assets into the stratosphere (and fiat alternatives such as gold and bitcoin) to all-time highs has come with a hidden price... and an increasingly higher price in fact. The FED's response to the pandemic has significantly worsened inequality in 2020 as the value of financial assets held by the elite and Wall Street relative to the real economy Main Street hit all-time high. And as I have written about for the past 8-10 years with the system now caught in a vice operated by a handful of lecherous players, there is no longer little to know chance that the status quo will change without a revolution, a revolution which is increasingly unlikely in a world where governments hand out stimulus checks after stimulus checks to a population that has no other means of providing for itself besides relying on the same government that is pillaging and plundering the poor and working class.

The problem is that this massive distortion has only made the mess even greater, and the only hope central bankers have in their own words is if governmental fiscal stimulus takes over where monetary stimulus ends, and this is where Covid-19 came in; as almost overnight it ushered in Modern Monetary Theories the symbiotic marriage of fiscal and monetary policy, the marriage of the FED and the Treasury. In other words, after almost 12 years massive and repeated B-52 money drops have arrived in full force. Only there is just one problem, or rather $280 trillion problems, because one could argue that fiscal stimulus is a plausible option if the world was not already drowning in debt, when global debt to GDP is over 333%, it is equivalent to saying that only more debt can fix a debt crisis (like injecting cancer to cure cancer).